
Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Union Shafts Workers

In reading about the striking workers from Northwest Airlines, one can't help but feel sorry for them. Northwest is operating smoothly after replacing them, their health insurance runs out tomorrow, and they get their last paycheck on Friday.

Here are GR Pundit, we're often hard on unions, but it's important that our readers understand that we're hard on union leadership, not union members. The airline mechanics' union had the opportunity to make concessions to keep the jobs of most of the union members, but those concessions were rejected. Intead, over 4,000 mechanics are now out of work with no income.

Today's unions are losing their clout and their muscle. The airline mechanics' union is just one example of many to come where the members are going to be out of a job in the name of solidarity.

Now there are 1,200 replacement mechanincs working at Northwest who, we're sure, are happy to have a job. In the mean time, the head of the mechanics' union makes statements which are clearly untrue:

AMFA co-founder and national director O.V. Delle-Femine visited picketers Monday at Detroit Metro Airport to boost spirits.

"In a couple weeks, people are going to see the failure of this airline," Delle-Femine told strikers gathering at a nearby United Auto Workers union hall before heading to picket lines.

He's lying to his members to try and keep them in line. In the mean time, we're sure Mr. Delle-Femine is receiving his full salary and health benefits.

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